Business Office
Douglass ISD is proud to announce that we now have an online webstore and payment center. We accept all credit/debit cards for payments towards camps, testing, Chromebook repairs, etc. Also, we have spirit wear for sale! To get started click on the link above.
Douglass ISD is proud to announce that we now have an online webstore and payment center. We accept all credit/debit cards for payments towards camps, testing, Chromebook repairs, etc. Also, we have spirit wear for sale! To get started click on the link above.
Casey Watson: Business Manager/Head of Human Resources
Casey Watson: Business Manager/Head of Human Resources
Important Business Office Documents:
Important Business Office Documents:
Adopted 2023-2024 School Budget
Proposed 2023-2024 School Budget
Adopted 2022-2023 School Budget
Proposed 2022-2023 School Budget
Approved 2021-2022 School Budget
Proposed 2021-2022 School Budget
Approved 2020-2021 School Budget
Proposed 2020-2021 School Budget
Approved 2018-19 School Budget
Proposed 2019-20 School Budget
Approved 2019-20 School Budget